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Ask Flip!


Here you can "Ask Flip"! Just about any question about him, fishing, hunting etc.


Flip does his very best to answer most questions and we will now be posting the best ones here on the site with his answers. Be sure to include your name, address and phone number in case Flip needs to contact you to answer in person!



Ask Flip HERE!


4/17- Cindi Vetter from Waukesha, WI asks:


"Flip,  These pictures all make me smile.   Can to tell us your funniest story with Lefty?....I'm sure there are many to choose from. "


Flip answers:


"Cindi...thanks for your note. It's timely, as I just got home from taking Lefty to the airport. He's been here at the house for the past few days as we did a seminar in Titusville.

When I went to pick him up at the at the airport baggage claim I received a call from his Cel phone. It was a woman, who said, "Lefty was not feeling well on the plane as we were landing, so the Paramedics were called and are with him now"...Then she hung up and when I called back to find out where they were...I got voicemail.

 I went to the Southwest Airlines desk and where they tried to figure out where he was being treated. After 45 minutes or so, six adoring, fly fishing Paramedics wheeled Lefty off the elevator into the crowded baggage claim area.

They insisted upon having their pictures taken with Lefty which started a domino effect and other passengers on other flights had to have their pictures taken with Lefty as well!

The Paramedics insisted upon taking Lefty to the ninth floor of the parking garage and loading Lefty and all his plunder into my pickup, whereupon a ten minute goodby took place........

The "Left Hander" sure knows how to make an entrance!!!" - Flip

Flip and Lefty just last week in Titusville. Obviously, he's doing fine!

6/1/16- Peter Colding from ? asks:


"When casting to tailing redfish, should the flies be as light as possible and does the leader need to be longer than 10'?"


Flip answers:


"Redfish is one of my favorites Pete!. A ten foot leader is fine for tailing redfish. A longer one, twelve feet would be even better. The weight of the fly is important only as it pertains to water depth...'fly placement is important so as not to spook the fish. Chico Fernandez has a wonderful book on redfishing that is well worth the investment! 

You can find Chico's book right HERE on my website btw!

4/16- Jerry Loudermilk from Gainesville, FL asks:


"I saw you shoot a longbow. What model? What make?"


Flip answers:


Thanks for your note Jerry…I really do shoot a longbow. I shoot a recurve as well. Most of my bows are made by Lynn Harrelson (Harrelson’s Traditional Archery Inc.) in Montgomery AL. Check his webpage for a good look at what Lynn can do (quite amazing)!!!


- Flip

4/16- Owen Clark from Palm Coast, FL asks:


"What's bike are you riding now?"


Flip answers:




These days I ride a 2000 Harley Deuce with a fantastic back story. It sat, since brand new, in a really neat fellows garage in Oklahoma City, with only 1500 original miles.


I drove up to Oklahoma City from an annual Temple Fork Outfitters sales meeting in Dallas...picked up the machine and trailered back to Florida.


A little first aid, because she had been sitting for 14 years, and she was back on the road!


I owe the man from Oklahoma a wonderful fishing adventure!!!


- Flip

A few weeks ago at Daytona Bike Week

4/16- Joseph Cornely from ? asks:


"What's the story behind 'Not Rick's Cup'?"


Flip answers:




"Not Rick's Cup" goes back to the early 1990's and the beginnings of the Walkers Cay Chronicles.


Our crew consisted of three souls: Bob Hanna, brilliant cinematographer, myself, and sound recordist Rick Patterson.


Rick's wit and insatiable appetite for practical jokes were ever present on our shoots, along with his considerable professional talents of course.


Among his many pranks was absconding with my coffee cups! To thwart his FRISKINESS I came up with marking the cups with "NOT RICK'S CUP".


Thanks for the question Joseph and be sure to get us your phone number and address and we'll get you registered to win some cool stuff.


- Flip

3/16- Jordan Hamilton from Ellisville, MS asks:

"The question I have is about your Yeti cup and what that rope wrap around the top is called?"

Flip answers:




The decorative and practical knot around the top of the Yeti Rambler is called a TURKS HEAD......originally tied by sailors at sea. The knots had practical purposes but were also tied recreationally along with myriad other decorative knots and plaits.


In the case of my Yeti Rambler, it is functional in two ways. It keeps my fingers (often gloved) from slipping off the Rambler and it sets my Rambler apart from others when I'm in a crowd of "Yetifiles" (I think that's a word). Stay tuned to the Sandbox and the Blog for another idea that I'm working on for Ramblers.


Thanks for the question Jordan and be sure to get us your phone number and address to get entered for some cool stuff.


- Flip

Follow up from Jordan- 4/4/16


"My finished product! Thanks Flip and Brian for the responses" - Jordan

2015 by Flip Pallot and Mad River Media


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